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Simple Homemaking


How to Hygge with Small Children

Are you familiar with the term “hygge”? Chances are you have seen this little Danish word in an article or heard it on a podcast. The idea has become pretty popular recently. And with good reason, too, because who doesn’t want to talk about how we can make our homes cozier and our lives more rich with the things which bring us… Read more


You Probably Have Too Much Stuff (Here’s Why)

We are in the process of moving. Moving, I’ve realized, brings you face to face with your stuff in ways almost nothing else does. It’s a good thing that there are moving companies that can help pack, load and unload our belongings to make it a bit easier for families like ours who feel overwhelmed. It was slightly horrifying to… Read more


How to Simplify Your Family Library & Cut Back on Book Clutter

As the Holidays approach, I know for a fact that my children will receive books.  My mother and my mother-in-law are/were school-teachers.  As a soon to be homeschooling mom, I have a love for new books as well. Reading is important to our family and we strive to read together everyday.  For example, our family reads the Bible with each… Read more


27 of the Simple, Good Things in Life

Sometimes we get so wound up in our daily lives and problems and mediocre pursuits, that we fail to see or appreciate or enjoy the good that God has provided for us. Sometimes we go looking for a life worth living in all the wrong places. We spend the day away surfing the internet and social media, or idling in… Read more


Put Down Your Smartphone And “Be Still and Know That I Am God”

Have you ever felt agitated that your kids had the audacity to want your attention while you were CLEARLY trying to do something on your smart phone? You know, something pressing, like read a blog post or perfect an Instagram caption? *Me: looking at the floor. looking at the wall. looking at the ceiling… Have you ever felt a little too compulsive with your use… Read more


8 Ways to Live a Simpler Life as a Christian Mother

Do you wonder how to live a simpler life as a Christian mother? Here’s what I’ve learned! I love for life to feel simple. That is where I thrive the best. When life is simple, I have the space to be settled within myself, to experience peace, and to chart an intentional path forward, with eyes ultimately fixed on heaven.… Read more

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