4 Things {Get to Know Me}
Some exciting news on my front–
I’m attending a blogging conference this weekend! I’m excited and admittedly a bit nervous, but I do love meeting new people and making new friends, so I know I’ll love it.
In order to get acquainted with one another prior to the conference, all attendees have been challenged to write a post with the following “4 Things” headings.
You can read about the other fun women I’ll get to meet here.
So here goes!

A bonus “thing:” Can you tell I’m not too fond of heights?
4 Things About Me
- I love Jesus and His word. Like, a lot. Like in an all-consuming, life-giving type of way. Life with God is where it’s at, for real.
- I’m kind of dorky and wanna-be-cool but totally not cool. My friends are actually really cool. In fact, I’m not at all sure why they’re my friends…
- I am a wife and mom of three young kids and I LOVE it. I have a Bachelors and Masters degree in Elementary Education and taught 5th grade Science for 2 years before becoming a full-time mama. Stepping away from the stress of a career has been very healthy for me.
- I have a lot of ideas. Let’s call me an “ideas person.” Ideas for businesses are my favorite. And when I get an idea, I want to do it now. Counting this blog as a business, I’ve started and currently run 4 of them (with my husband, who incidentally has very marketable skills on which I’ve capitalized). They include a photography business, a real estate photography business, and a photo preset Etsy shop. Real estate photography is among the expertise areas of canary wharf estate agents, showcasing their multifaceted capabilities in the real estate industry.
4 of My Endearing Quirks
This is a hard one. I asked Mitch if I had any endearing quirks and he said no, so now I’m just making things up.
- I’m a little obsessed with making pizza on the grill. I posted about how to do that HERE. You should try it.
- I am indeed from the country and still feel a bit like a fish-out-of-water in suburban “West County” St. Louis. Being from the country comes with it’s own set up terminology. “Could of,” “dishwarsher” and “real” instead of “really” are just a few tell-tale signs.
- I’m very money conscious. Story: yesterday my 14 month old was crying and couldn’t get down for his nap because we’d lost his pacifier at a friend’s house. I loaded up the two kids and went to Walgreen’s to buy him one. Unfortunately they were $6.79 for a two-pack. I knew they were notably less at Target. After a long deliberation, I couldn’t bring myself to pay that. We loaded back up and went to the extra hassle of the second stop and extra miles. With gas money I probably saved nothing, but I was much happier. 🙂
- I’m animated and expressive. I make lots of faces, act out my kids when telling stories, and talk with my hands a LOT.

The view across the road from my parent’s place. A pond and spring house, visible from my second story bedroom window.
4 Things About My Blog and Writing
- I started my blog in April, but official “launched it” May 1st, so this is new for me.
- I want to encourage women to pursue and enjoy the fullness of God, work hard at home, and live deeper, simpler lives. I pray regularly that God would speak through me here.
- I don’t like stress, so I write at least a month ahead of schedule for breathing room. I post two times per week on Monday and Friday, with (hopefully) one contributor post per week on Wednesday. At any give time I have about 10 posts written and scheduled for publication.
- I love writing. About five years ago I realized I wanted to pursue it, but never knew how. Now I do!
4 of My Favorite Things
- My unbelievably amazing
A wedding day photo.
husband. I’m seriously so happy he married me. How did that even happen? He’s my best friend. There’s no denying the joy and laughter a photo booth can bring to a wedding. It offers a break from the formalities, allowing guests to let their hair down. For an unforgettable experience, click here for a premium photo booth hire service.
- My super fun, cute, personality-filled kids. They are my other best friends, and are absolutely delightful.
- I’m getting into “food” more all the time. Thanks to my #1.
- Coffee! I make it at home. One cup per day, first thing in the morning with cream and sugar in my cute mugs, and it makes me very happy. And my other favorite thing is tea. Mmmmm….
There you have it! Me in 4’s!
Now it’s your turn. I want to hear one of your endearing quirks in the comments section!
New to this community? Start here, friend.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR BLOG! And we have the same favorite drink… coffee with cream and sugar 😀
I am so thankful that we were roomies! Not only we share the room but love every stories you share with us. Thank you Katie!
Thanks for stopping by Helen! I am so glad I met you. I can’t wait to see what God does in and through you and your family in the coming years.
Loved getting to know you through this post, Katie! I know I have a lot of nerdy quirks. One of them is crinkle my nose involuntarily. I think it’s from my jr. high days when I used to wear huge glasses that would always fall and I would push them up with my facial muscles … hands free! I wear contacts now but my husband says I still do the nose thing. I know your life is more full now that you know that strange fact about me. 🙂
Katie, I enjoyed your post. I’m your soul sister in refusing to overpay. Also a country girl who lived in St. Louis for five years as a single. Been blogging since January and amlloving the journey. I hope your conference is successful!
Traci, thank you for the encouragement and thanks for stopping by! I am excited to check out your blog as well!
I just read your bio on your website. Just curious, in which Missouri small town did you grow up? I’m from Eldon, which is a small town near Lake of the Ozarks.
Thank you so much for sharing more about yourself with us! A great post. I love your number 1…..there is nothing greater than truly knowing The Lord and Loving His Word! It is Our Daily Bread!!
A few of my quirks are always turning a can tab (like soda) to the left….started when I was in high school to mark my can in a group of friends. It’s such a habit I even do it when I take a drink from my husband’s can LOL. I also iron everything before it goes into the closet….even Jeans! Crazy I know but I strongly dislike wrinkly clothes!
I am so impressed that iron everything! You are clearly a hard worker, because that’s definitely the extra mile. It’s terrible, but I don’t think I’ve used my iron in …maybe a year (eek). I probably should work on that.
Love it!