Thoughts on Simplicity and Stitch Fix

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thoughts on simplicity and stitch fix

As I wrote on the blog a few weeks ago, I have resolved to make more of an effort in my appearance. I’d like to get away from yoga pants and t-shirts in favor of a more careful look, mostly to represent myself with more honor.

I’m happy to report I have been “getting dressed” in real clothes every day and wearing a touch of make up most of the time, which has been a great change for me! I also got a couple of new clothing items and I ordered a Stitch Fix!

For those of you who don’t know, Stitch Fix is a website where you can order a batch of five clothing items, known as a “fix.” What you get is mostly a surprise, as the items are selected by a stylist based on a detailed profile you complete. You pay for what you keep and return the rest in a prepared package.

The fun thing is, Stitch Fix also has a great referral program. So, if you share your referral link with friends, each time a friend signs up you get a $25 credit to be applied to your clothing purchase!

All that said and done, five people signed up through my referral link, including my sweet sister and a few blog readers. So, I not only got a much anticipated package in the mail, but I also had $125 to put towards new clothes!

It was really fun. Want to see what I got?

My Stitch Fix


Skinny Jeans: $88


I had heard Stitch Fix jeans were “magic,” and I couldn’t agree more! These skinny jeans fit and feel amazing! I am happy to have them. They will be a great, versatile base piece.

Verdict: keep!


Cardigan (Pictured above): $58

I love the color, print and feel of the fabric, and it’s not my go-to style. But that’s the fun thing about Stitch Fix –I consider new things!

In the end I decided it was too much fabric for me.

Verdict: send back.


Dolman Top: $48


This was a fun, different style. However, I made the mistake of asking for loose tops and also airing on the larger size when I filled out my style profile.

That was my mistake. The tops ended up being a big too big for me. Plus, I think there’s a reason why I don’t wear this color much… it doesn’t do anything for me.

Verdict: send back.


Colman Top: $48



So much potential, and again, so different from what I normally choose! However it was a bit too big due to my sizing snafu and I didn’t love it.

Verdict: send back.


Lace Trim Blouse: $64



I love this pretty, delicate blouse! But, it was big, and I didn’t have an appropriate cardigan or pants for it.

Verdict: send back.


My Thoughts on Stitch Fix

This was a fun experience!

I will update my Style Profile and order another Fix when I have the means. I think I will be able to hone my profile to product better results in the future.

I can’t help being struck by the simplicity of this way of shopping. For someone like me, this is a blessing. Here’s why.

The Simplicity

  • Shopping this way is less overwhelming because I’m only considering five items. I do so in the comfort of my home, and I have time to get opinions.
  • With Stitch Fix I never need to leave my home to clothes shop, but I still get to try things on. This way I can reserve outings for more of the things the kids will enjoy and spend time with my family.
  • Returns are ready to go. There’s no need to go to the post office!
  • As far as I’ve heard and can tell, Stitch Fix clothing is of a good quality. My hope is to gradually update and hone my wardrobe with stylish, quality pieces that I love.

I’m not at all disappointed to only keep one item. I had planned to be very selective! I’ll order a new fix soon to spend my last $37 in credit!

Find out more and order your own fix HERE.


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  1. Chantel says:

    I just learned yesterday after reading something on the stitch fix facebook page that you can contact stitchfix and request a different size! I’m not sure exactly how that works when it comes to pricing, but it sounded great! Maybe if you get something that doesn’t quite fit right, you can ask them if they can get you a different size 🙂

  2. Erica says:

    Hello Katie, I am so glad you broke it down like you did. I order my first fix last week and received it two days ago. I was confuse about how it works. You have opened my eyes. So one question. I am keeping two items and the price is $96 does this mean the $20 will be subtracted from the $96 and I will only pay $76. Is this correct?

  3. Michelle says:

    This helps a ton! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you 🙂

  4. Michelle says:

    First of all there’s no way you have a new baby! Gorgeous! I love the first cardigan, so cute, but if you don’t love it totally understand. I keep seeing Stitch Fix on various sites, can you share about the costs other than the clothes? Like shipping both ways and the styling fee, is that every time $20.00 or a one time fee.

    I might be interested in Stitch Fix, normally no, but moving even more to the county without a mall near by and no close family, has limited my access/time to shop for myself. And my normal go to store has really changed their overall look and not for the better. So I’m feeling a little stuck at the moment. I typically like pieces that are timeless, I have a lot of Black, white, and grey! My husband makes fun of me, but I wear it for ever!!! I do like fun pieces from time to time, but I’m a plain jane girl when it comes to color. I like the basics. I have purchased trendy clothing and wear them like once, and then feel guilty about the cost. However, I’m totally loving the plaid that’s in right now 🙂

    Thank you Katie!

    • So, the $20 is a deposit you put down every time you order a fix, but it is put towards your clothing purchase. If you don’t like anything and send it all back, you will be out $20. But if you order even one thing, then you pay nothing but the cost of the clothes. Does that make sense? So the jeans I kept were $88, and since I’d already paid $20, I only had to pay the last $68 to keep them. If you purchase everything in your fix you get 25% off the total.

      As far as prices go, you can specify how much you are willing to pay for any one piece of clothing. But the minimum categories are still fairly high. So for example, the lowest “top price category” is Under $50. I chose the minimum price category for everything besides jeans. I was willing to pay a bit more for those.

      The nice thing is, you can tell them in great detail what you’re looking for. So if you want timeless pieces, they should be able to accommodate you! The more you can tell them about your style, the better, and the style profile itself is very detailed.

      I do love the cardigan in this picture. I was borderline with that one, but I’m just not used to wearing so much fabric. That’s probably a good area for me to branch out!

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