EP3 | Redeeming Christmas Gift Giving

The practice of giving Christmas gifts has potential to be holy and precious, and yet somewhere along the way, we have gone astray.

  • Instead of joy, we feel stress at the prospect of figuring out what to get for so many people, not to mention paying for them all.
  • Instead of gratitude and love, our children feel a sense of let down after the last gift has been opened.
  • Instead of slowing down to turn our hearts to the Lord and savor time with our families during the holiday season, we rush and bustle.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

In this episode, we consider what it means to slow down, spend less, and yet give more (of what actually matters) this Christmas.

Join us as we cut through the clutter and chaos of the season and redeem Christmas gift giving.


Additional Resources

Advent Conspiracy website

Advent Conspiracy book

Fair Trade Gift Guide: includes links and coupon codes to 25 different online shops!

Living Water International Gift Cards: give a gift card to drill clean water wells

World Vision Gift Catalog: meet a need across the world in honor of someone on your list this Christmas

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  1. Leonard Cheruiyot Kirui says:

    Fantastic, wish to know more.

    In his Meritorious grace,

    Pr. Leonard.

  2. Pat McCaw says:

    Katie, really love the idea of the gift giving expressed on the podcast. I will want to do more reading about advent conspiracy you and Mitch mentioned in the podcast. Good morsels for your subscribers.

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