How to Enjoy Housework Instead of Dreading It!

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Would you like to figure out how to enjoy housework? Here’s what worked for me!

How I started enjoying housework

You guys.

I figured out how to make myself look forward to housework and enjoy it! This has been such a breakthrough!

How I started to enjoy housework

It all started when I decided I should read books by Christian thinkers and influencers (you know, since I’m a writer and all, that seemed like a good idea).

But I was having trouble finding the margin in my days to add “reading.”

Then a friend told me she has a monthly subscription to an audio book service, and does much of her reading via audio books.

That was light bulb #1.

So, I decided I would give it a try. I found that Audible offers TWO free audio book just for starting a trial. I created an account online, then downloaded their app to my iPhone. I was able to browse for and chose my first book right in the app!

But still, I couldn’t quite figure out when to listen to the book. I wasn’t going to have my earbuds in while I was with my kids during the day. And when they nap, I’m usually busy writing.

However, on Wednesday mornings both of my older kids go to preschool, and somewhere during that time, my baby will take a nap. This is typically when I furiously do housework and laundry.

That seemed like a good opportunity (and the only available opportunity) to multitask and expand my mind while doing tedious tasks.

That was light bulb #2.

So, I waited for Wednesday. Baby Em went down for her nap as scheduled, and I located my earbuds, got set up and pressed play. With my phone in my back pocket, I started scanning the kitchen for my first chore.

The crazy thing was, I enjoyed my housework so much that day!

I fell into a rhythm of wiping counters, putting things away and folding laundry. I was energized. I was smiling. I was engaged and thinking and laughing and crying.

enjoy housework

I worked faster than normal, stayed with my tasks longer, and I mean it when I say, I truly enjoyed myself!

I am pleased with this discovery, and I soon realized I could leverage this to keep myself motivated to work hard on my precious Wednesday mornings.

That was lightbulb #3.

I created a “rule” for myself (I do this all the time, it works great). I was only allowed to listen to my audio book while doing my weekly housework.

–that is, if the kids aren’t around. I don’t want to be disengaged from them when they’re present–

So guess what?

I not only look forward to my Wednesday chores, but I am also motivated, I enjoy housework, and I am sharpening my mind with new ideas. I can’t even say how happy I am with this discovery!

Since it usually takes me about a month to get through one audio book. I decided to keep my audiobook subscription, and I’m now listening to my third book! I plan to do periodic audio book and podcast reviews on the blog for those of you who would like to join my in “reading while you clean.” 🙂

Of course, you could do this with podcasts as well. But there is something motivating about being in the middle of a book and eager to hear more!

How do you motivate yourself to enjoy housework?


Do you ever wonder how some women make running a home look so natural?

I certainly have!

However, after many years of watching my friends who do this well, and after much trial and error, I’ve boiled it all down to 3 essential daily habits. With these 3 habits in place, a home can function pretty well! Without them, it will be perpetual catchup.

While I used to feel like a failure as a homemaker, I know feel a sense of success and satisfaction.

I’d love to share these 3 simple (secret) daily habits with you. If you focus your energy into establishing them, I believe you will achieve the same breakthrough in your homemaking that I did.

Can I share my secrets with you?

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  1. Arwen Fowler Jonsson says:

    Hi. I am a single mom of 4 young kids living far from home in Iceland. I am lucky to be able to stay home with them but homeschooling is illegal. I need motivation and inspiration for keeping my house in order and bringing God more into our lives. Also my son has ADHD and one of my daughters has high functioning autism. So lots and lots of interests. Thank you!!!

  2. Arwen Fowler Jonsson says:

    I would love some good podcasts recommendations.

    • My FAVORITE podcasts are Homemaking Foundations, Inspired to Action and God-Centered Mom. Is there a certain topic you are interested in?

    • Eliza says:

      Hi Arwen, I hope you get this message! I love podcasts! My favourites are the ones Katie mentioned, plus I love At Home With Sally, Elevate Life Church sermons, The Happy Home, #staymarried, Be Still be Free, Cultivate The Lovely and Feathers. I hope these bring you lots of enjoyment as they have brought me!

  3. Twila says:

    I have listened to books on CD while doing housework for a couple of years now. It truly does make it more pleasurable. I usually check these CDs out from my local library, so they’re free.

  4. Aleesha Bake says:

    I do the same thing! Except I listen to novels some too- I love a good fairytale 🙂 I do listen when my kids are up some, but they are old enough to ask me to take them out…so I need to be better about that! I mostly listen at night when they are all asleep and I have sewing or cleaning to do. I would Love more suggestions though for good nonfiction Audiobooks or podcasts that are clean and Christian focused. I really love focus on the family podcasts- they are FABULOUS!

  5. Yes! I listen to podcasts while doing the laundry or cleaning the kitchen. And it really does help. I don’t have a time when the kids are out, so I just listen to podcasts they can hear too.
    We have a subscription to Audible too. But for now, I just use it for children’s books. I turn it on most often while I/we are cooking a meal. It keeps them calm and they have loved it. Sometimes we will listen while we picnic lunch in front of the fire too.

  6. I do the same thing when I’m cleaning or walking, but usually with podcasts. It does make the chores much more enjoyable.

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