
Help Kids Keep Their Messes Under Control: Simplify

Most days it seems that my kids leave a never-ending trail of messes as they go to and from about the house. With three (young) children who are not very aware of the trail they’ve left behind, and one mother who is overwhelmed by the tasks of keeping order in the home and training these children to pick up after themselves,… Read more


You Probably Have Too Much Stuff (Here’s Why)

We are in the process of moving. Moving, I’ve realized, brings you face to face with your stuff in ways almost nothing else does. It’s a good thing that there are moving companies that can help pack, load and unload our belongings to make it a bit easier for families like ours who feel overwhelmed. It was slightly horrifying to… Read more


8 Ways to Live a Simpler Life as a Christian Mother

Do you wonder how to live a simpler life as a Christian mother? Here’s what I’ve learned! I love for life to feel simple. That is where I thrive the best. When life is simple, I have the space to be settled within myself, to experience peace, and to chart an intentional path forward, with eyes ultimately fixed on heaven.… Read more

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