
Help Kids Keep Their Messes Under Control: Simplify

Most days it seems that my kids leave a never-ending trail of messes as they go to and from about the house. With three (young) children who are not very aware of the trail they’ve left behind, and one mother who is overwhelmed by the tasks of keeping order in the home and training these children to pick up after themselves,… Read more


How to Teach Your Children to Apologize Well

Not everyone knows how to apologize well. We can help our kids learn to apologize with these four simple steps.  I don’t know about you, but hearing my kids argue and fight with each other is one of my least favorite things. Truthfully, this is in part simply because it can be really annoying to hear. But I realize that this… Read more


Asking God for a Prayer for Each Child

One of the neatest things I’ve done in my prayer life is ask God for specific prayers to pray for my children. It all started when a close friend shared that, ever since her son was quite young, she’d had it on her heart to pray that he would be one who includes others. She asked God to give him a heart to… Read more

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